About Dan

Dan Perin -- I have been a Unity minister since 1960, now retired.  In 1960 I founded Unity Church of Bellevue, Washington where I served until June 1964.  In January 1967, after serving two years as minister of Unity Church in Spokane, Washington, I was invited to become Director of Youth Education for the Association of Unity Churches at Lee’s Summit, Missouri.  During my tenure on the Association staff I served as a faculty member of the Unity School for Ministerial and Religious Studies.  I also lectured and conducted educational seminars for youth education workers in Unity churches throughout the United States and the Western Hemisphere.

Seeking to explore an inner leading toward new growth, I left the formal ministry and moved to Denver, Colorado where in 1973 I incorporated Whole Life Learning Center (WLLC), as a non-profit independent wholistic education and counseling center serving a broad range students interested in alternative education, healing and personal growth practices. My personal interests have focused on meditation, psychic development, dream study and other altered states development.  The Center was widely known in the Rocky Mt Region as a “safe” place to explore personal growth and development of the whole person.  During this period I was also active in the Colorado Holistic Health Network and the Denver Free University, a large alternative educational institution, where I served as treasurer and a term as president.

After nine years of successful operation I turned the Center over to other staff members at the Colorado Springs branch of WLLC.  I then entered the business community engaging in a variety of endeavors including special project accounting and consultant work and service through temporary employment agencies.

In August 1987 I rejoined the staff at Unity of Bellevue as administrator.  In addition to the business administration of the church, I also conducted a variety of classes.  In April 1991 I resigned to pursue other ventures.  After serving as a temporary employee with Safeco Insurance, a Fortune 500 company, I was invited to hire on permanently.  I retired from Safeco in 2003 after 11 years.

Like most folks, my life has been an experience of challenge and change. Sometimes the changes have been relatively easy to make. Other times they were not. In all cases, to the degree to which I was open to understanding the process, I have grown and become better prepared for subsequent opportunities. To me, an important part of my growth is concerned with how I can live successfully in a world that is torn by conflict and frustration, and make a positive contribution to improving those conditions.  It is hoped that through the three other Web Logs I am currently involved with that others will be motivated to reach out in their own lives to engage in positive actions that will improve our world.

I am divorced, have a son, David, and a daughter, Jennifer; four grandchildren and four great grandchildren.  I have self-published two books:  LifeCentering: A Transformational Meditation Book, and Moments: In the Journey Through Life. These are available through Amazon and other outlets.


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